A progressive inclusive community seeking awakened consciousness through contemplative practices

  • (n.) - the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life

    (v.) - the act of reforming; becoming new

  • In most English Bible translations of Matthew 3:2 it reads, “Repent, for the realm of heaven is at hand.” In the original Greek text of that scripture, the word which was translated to the English word “repent” is metanoia, which means “beyond the mind.”

    What if John the Baptist was inviting us to change our minds — not just in a casual intellectual sense, but in a completely transcendent way — allowing us to see ourselves, our neighbors, and our world with radically new eyes, without this idea of our brokenness, our unworthiness, our wickedness? John the Baptist was setting the stage for Jesus of Nazareth, the archetypal human for all people, so Jesus could show us how to perceive ourselves, our neighbors, our world, and our shared Life Source with profoundly new understanding, inviting us to a fuller life now.

    The other part of the passage reads, “for the realm of heaven is at hand.” So right now, in this present moment, and not in some possible future or destination when our time on earth is over. We are invited to the possibility of living in peace, joy, and harmony within ourselves and with others, and to experience wholeness, equality, and inter-connectedness with all creation. The realm of heaven offers us the freedom to live authentically as we truly are … right now.

    The word Journey in our name describes the life-long path we travel to discover and embody these truths about ourselves. Some days we a take a step forward, others a step back, never fully arriving, but always evolving.

    Would you like to join us?

  • We wonder together …

    Who — or what — is God (or whatever name or no name you have for our shared Ground of Being)?

    Can we have a profound, personal relationship with our Life Source?

    Who are we … truly?

    Who is our neighbor … truly?

    Are we more than the sum of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and behaviors?

    Are we really living free?

    Can we truly love ourselves uncritically and know our innate core of goodness?

    What does it mean to live a life of love?

    Are there deeper meanings in the Wisdom Texts that allow us to transcend the historical and contextual meanings of these ancient writings and find meaningful inspiration for our lives?

    Can we know ALL people as our beloved siblings and invite them into dialogue and into our hearts?

  • Our vision is unfolding and evolving, but as of now, we wish …

    To be contemplatives — monks living in the world — grounded in love and guided by Spirit.

    To create space for each of us to rest and renew in God’s gaze, which will guide us to Spirit-led action in the world — in our own lives, locally, or beyond.

    To be able to have difficult conversations, using compassionate communication, that impact our individual transformation and our common world. We know for sure that when a group gathers prayerfully and intentionally, nothing can separate us from each other or our Creator.

    To listen deeply to Spirit and each other as we manifest non-patriarchal, non-hierarchical leadership.

    To begin to disentangle from gendered ideas and words about God that no longer serve us.

    To manifest community that is entirely inclusive and affirming to all our siblings. We wish to welcome, partner with, and learn from anyone who has felt hurt by familial, religious or societal constructs, including women, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ individuals who long for acceptance and community. We not only welcome all, we recognize that we need the minds, hearts and voices of all.

    To support our siblings who are also white cisgender males as they embrace their implicit value and understand that they, too, are subject to similar challenges and traumas from established familial and societal constructs that put undue burden on them in society, and learn to let go of them.

    To become valued partners with, and to offer contemplative practices to, other communities in Austin and beyond – whether Christian, other faiths, or non-faith groups. It is our hope to continue to learn from and share spiritual gifts with all communities.

    To welcome those who already care deeply for an existing spiritual community, but who recognize a longing for contemplative practices in their lives. We encourage such friends to join us in our offerings while staying connected to their own communities, as they feel called.

  • Founded upon our core contemplative practices …

    Centering Prayer

    Prayer has typically been taught to be gestures, words and concepts directed toward our Life Source. That is true, but prayer has also been described as “the human heart before its Maker.” In Centering Prayer, we rest in silence and open to the presence of our Creator, beyond words, images and concepts.

    As we welcome the presence and action of God in the silence, an intimate relationship with the Divine – one that most of us have never dreamed of – begins to arise. We begin to find ourselves more and more awake to God’s presence, even amidst the noise of daily human life.

    In silence, God helps us to see the false parts of ourselves uncritically and lovingly, as God sees them. With God’s grace, we begin to let go of these false selves and rejoice as our authentic, creative, loving and lovable selves are revealed.

    Inner Work

    In synergy with Centering Prayer, the contemplative practice of The Work (as it is often called) allows us to partner with God in the transformational process. We begin to see patterns we acquired absolutely innocently in childhood — patterns that no longer support us — not as faults, character flaws, or unworthiness, but as mechanical, unconscious ways of thinking and acting that separate us from ourselves, others, and our Ground of Being. We begin to relax around these old patterns, realizing that they are not who we truly are.

    The Work also helps us see how the collective traumas and patterns, such as racism, sexism, antisemitism, classism, homophobia, xenophobia, ageism, able-ism – and all the "othering" that plagues humanity – have harmed each of us individually, traditionally marginalized groups, and our beloved planet.

    Together with our companions in the Work, we begin to heal and liberate ourselves from individual and collective traumas, we become able to forgive ourselves and all others and we become able to access our unique, God-given gifts to manifest our True Selves.

Who is Metanoia Journey ?

Metanoia Journey is an inclusive, contemplative community of people who wish to foster a personal relationship with The Divine and support one another as we journey, both individually and collectively, into who we really are.

We value inner silence and learn to listen to God by putting down the constant busy-ness of life and give God our intention and attention. In this dynamic relationship, God purifies our intentions and motivations to help us turn toward each other and the world in a more loving, grounded way.

We gather together, share with and teach one another, challenge each other, and celebrate each other, in profound gratitude for our lives.

Where does our name come from?